Shriner Fezzes vs Jackets or Both?
Created at :
Feb 18, 2020

Much like the white apron worn by Masons as a symbol of their brotherhood, the fez is worn only by Shriners as a symbol of their membership in this unique fraternity. Another great piece of apparel is the blazer or Shriner Jacket. The Jacket or Shriner Blazer is another showcase of the members accomplishments, identity and awards of the organization. For example, the Shrine pin should be worn on the left lapel of a suit coat or jacket. Every Noble Shriner Member is encouraged to wear his Shrine pin when so attired. It significantly his identity as a Shriner to other Nobles, to Freemasons, or to the general public. A Shriner Jacket/Blazer may also be worn to non-Shrine events as well as Shrine events.
click here to see our high quality Shriner Mens Blazer